Originally Posted by Jesse James
I've been out of this long enough, that some of these situations are handled totally differently than what I recall. I guess my question would be, why doesn't the play by definition get killed the instant a defender reaches through the plane, and either be warned, or T'd? That action happens before the ball would be slapped out of the inbounder's hands, or if the defender reaches through and fouls the inbounder. Seems like #2 and #3 are dead ball actions that have no bearing, unless the contact on the inbounder was flagrant.
I think that they wrote the penalties to coincide with a
complete act by the defender. Iow, breaking the plane without contact is a complete act by itself. Breaking the plane with contact on the player or contact on the ball are also separate complete acts. Each distinct complete act carries it's own related penalty, with the severity of the penalty escalating with how the rules-makers view the seriousness of each act.
Make sense?