Originally Posted by ChuckElias
Well, I was at Yankee Stadium in '04 for a Yankee/Red Sox game. I had those same apprehensions. But I have to be honest, we didn't see any of it. We didn't hear any vulgarity, other than what you'd hear in normal conversation; along with the occasional "_________ suck" chant by fans of each team. And we sat in the center field bleachers, wearing our Red Sox hats. Maybe b/c the Sox got blown out that day, we only heard good-natured ribbing and no hostility or vulgarity. (And one obnoxious call on my cell phone. . .)
Maybe that's just as much "reputation" as it is reality. I wondered if being at Yankee Stadium is really any different than sitting next to a bunch of drunken frat boys at any stadium.
Originally Posted by ChuckElias
In fact, I think this is a direct by-product of the pace of the game itself. For better or worse, baseball is not non-stop action, like hockey or basketball. The game lends itself to leisurely conversation and minor distractions. I think that's what made it the "national pastime". When baseball first became popular, I think that's more like what the pace of everyday life was.
Good point. You must remember those days fondly?
Originally Posted by ChuckElias
As for Steve Perry, well, I've got a couple Journey CD's like any other child of the 80's. But the greatest rock singer ever? 
Absolutley not. And it wasn't our group that was doing the arguing, it was a group of local, drunken frat boys.