Ok, here goes:
Originally Posted by JRutledge
Cubs fans get on their manager when most of the players that he is given cannot play part of the season.
I know this fan didn't put the blame on Dusty because of that. I did put the blame on him when I saw players that
were playing doing things like not hustling out ground balls, making bad decisions out in the field, being last or next to last in advancing runners and hitting w/runners in scoring position.
Originally Posted by JRutledge
Also the Yankee fans are used to winning. I expect a little arrogance and bravado.
I think it's more of a NY attitude, rather than a Yankee fan attitude. According to a friend who watched a game at Yankee Stadium last year, he made the comment about how he wasn't sure he would feel comfortable about taking his daughter there to watch a game, just because of some of the things fans were yelling. Is that an issue everywhere? Perhaps, but he said it was more noticeable there.
Originally Posted by JRutledge
This is why a lot of people hate Cubs fans.
Which people are you talking about? White Sox fans? Certainly not people outside the city of Chicago. White Sox fans have always had an inferiority complex when it comes to dealing with Cub fans.
Originally Posted by JRutledge
You are talking about attendance right now. Now Championships or actual success is not the factor, meaningless attendance numbers are what are key in the bigger picture.
Meaningless?? The number of people that go to a team's games is meaningless when it comes to determining a fan base? What criteria do you use to determine fan base?
Originally Posted by JRutledge
I went to a Cubs game about 4 years ago and I was amazed how little anyone was paying attention to the actual game. The only people watching the game and talking baseball were some Cards fans that were sitting behind me. Everyone one else was on the cell phone or concerned about the beer in their hand. The game was not the attraction, the ball park was.
How many games have you been to since that particular game? I've been to 5 baseball games this past season - 2 at Wrigley, 1 at the Cell, 1 in Cleveland, and 1 in St. Louis. I've noticed that at every game I've been to, so I'm not sure that's a "Wrigley" phenomenon as much as a society issue. There were any number of people talking on cell phones, talking about their job, telling their kids they had enough cotton candy, etc, etc. Heck, in Cleveland there was a group of guys that spent an inning and a half discussing whether Steve Perry from Journey was the greatest rock-n-roll singer ever.

Can I extrapolate that Cleveland fans really are the dumber than Cub fans???
Originally Posted by JRutledge
The Cubs were horrible and the stands were packed for a team that was out of the race since July.
Again, I contend anyone can be a fair-weather fan. A real fan supports their team even when the team is horrible. Cub fans show up, buy merchandise, and support the team. How else do you measure how good a team's fans are than during the down years (yea, yea, centuries...)?