Originally Posted by mcrowder
Sorry, OAB, he is not entirely correct. Or, at least, while it's correct, it's misleading. The last sentence is 100% correct. However...
Yes, the INSIDE part of the pylon and the BACK of the pylon are out of bounds. But if the ball hits the inside part of the pylon first, then by definition it crossed the goal line prior to hitting it. You say you'd rule this out of bounds at the 1 foot line ... or wherever the ball crossed the sideline - if the ball first hits the INSIDE of the pylon, then it crossed the sideline AT the pylon, and in the endzone.
And if it hit the back, I suppose it depends on what happened prior to that - did it cross the goal line or the out of bounds line first?
My confusion on a dive for the GL is that the ball must break the plane of the GL on the field of play, and with the pylon being outside the field of play. The GL extended only applies when the runner is on his feet.
Great post! That's the exact clarification I was looking for. Now I understand why AndrewMcCarthy referred to the inside of the pylon. Your explanation put a whole new light on the subject, and I stand corrected.