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Old Tue Oct 17, 2006, 04:06pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by M&M Guy
Better fans than the ones in NY that go to a game just to yell, "Hey, _______, you suck!"?

At least the Yankee fans get on their team and manager for the right reasons. Cubs fans get on their manager when most of the players that he is given cannot play part of the season. Also the Yankee fans are used to winning. I expect a little arrogance and bravado.

Originally Posted by M&M Guy
Where were the all the White Sox fans before 2005? In fact, weren't there games not sold out at the Cell late in the season last year? According to, the Cubs still averaged more than 2,500 per game more than the White Sox in 2006. And they averaged almost 10,000 fans more per game in the year the White Sox won the World Series. And it isn't because Wrigley holds more than the Cell. And it certainly isn't because it's easier to get to Wrigley, or easier to park, etc. Sure, it's easy to be a fan when your team's winning. So what does that say about White Sox fans?
This is why a lot of people hate Cubs fans. You are talking about attendance right now. Now Championships or actual success is not the factor, meaningless attendance numbers are what are key in the bigger picture. I went to a Cubs game about 4 years ago and I was amazed how little anyone was paying attention to the actual game. The only people watching the game and talking baseball were some Cards fans that were sitting behind me. Everyone one else was on the cell phone or concerned about the beer in their hand. The game was not the attraction, the ball park was.

Originally Posted by M&M Guy
I will give St. Louis fans their due. They seem to have a good reputation of support, although I would like to see how their support would stay if they had the same record as the Cubs. However, they're trying - there are a few members of this forum ..ahem...tjones1... who can practically say they have not seen the Cardinals win a W.S. in their lifetime.
The Cards have had bad years and the fans do not support a team that is terrible. They will support good baseball but not a team that is just bad. Usually the Cardinals are rather successful (considering they have been to about 4 World Series in my lifetime). Just because you show up to a game does not make you a good fan. I live in Chicago and I listen to local radio sports radio all the time and the last thing Cubs fans hold on to is what their attendance figures are. It just makes the point of all those that want a successful team. The Cubs were horrible and the stands were packed for a team that was out of the race since July.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)