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Old Tue Oct 17, 2006, 10:51am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
I deleted my post above because it says exactly what BktBallRef had already told you. It was just a duplicate.

That wording isn't the least bit hazy imo. It's from POE #4 in this year's rule book, and it's about as definitive as the FED could make it.

"In throw-in situations, fouling a player that is not involved in the play in any way(setting a screen, attempting to receive the in-bounds pass, etc.) must be deemed intentional".

A player setting a screen is just an example that they gave of a player that is not involved in the play. By "not involved", the FED simply means that the player does not have the ball. The NFHS rulesmakers say that it is intentional; you're saying that it may be intentional. Correct?

If you don't agree with the FED, which I'm sure is the case, may I suggest that you run it by your local rules interpreter to get his opinion.
I think you're mis-reading the sentence (or, more accurately, I think the FED mis-worded the sentence). I think they are giving examples of players who *are* involved in the play and the foul should *not* be intentional (absent other criteria).
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