Since there's not much going on except for some of y'all having clinics, I need some help/advise.
I need to do a fund raiser for DD (Renee) for travel ball fees. She & two others on the team are the only girls whose
family is not rolling in $$$$$. The team fee is $500, the
park fee is $165, and then we have weekend motels, gas, food, etc. I was thinking about buying a TV and raffling it off--what do y'all think? I'm just a poor blue, but need bucks for the kid. Due to my present health, I may not be able to umpire until May or June.
For those that are interested, you can see a picture of
Renee and her team @
Go to the photos and Renee is the left handed batter labled
'renedecap' as a rise ball had just hit her in the head!

The pictures didn't get everyone on the
present team, they were from 1 fall tourney only. For some
reason, the Web master deleted all of the 2001 photos.
Oh yeah, it wouldn't hurt if some of you ordered some of our
fantastic shirts, pins, or hats either!!!
Thanks fellow Blues!