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Old Tue Jan 22, 2002, 01:38pm
Hawks Coach Hawks Coach is offline
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Originally posted by SOWB_Ref
Originally posted by williebfree
NF 7-5-7
On a throw-in after a made basket, the inbounding team can run the endline, dribble, bounce pass to other teammates who are out of bounds behind the endline (the teammate must establish OOB status first before recieving the pass) as long as the ball is inbounded within 5 seconds of when it became available for throw-in all the above are legal.
Willie I gotta ask, if it were legal to bounce pass a ball on the end line how would you rule in this situation then;

A1 is inbounding on the end line after a made basket within 5 ft of the intersection of the endline and sideline. A2 is standing OOB on the endline within 5ft of the opposite sideline. A3 is adjacent to A2 only inbounds.

A1 throws a pass that bounces OOB and (a) goes to A2 (b)goes to A3 (c) goes toward A3 but A2 intercepts the pass.

I think that creates a conflict. Rule 7-5-7 does state you can pass the ball"along the end line to a teammate(s) outside the boundary line," but it doesn't state that you can dribble it. 7-1-2-b doesn't give 7-5-7 as an exception to the ball being out of bounds when it hits the floor.
On third situation, doesn't it matter if ball breaks plane after bouncing? If it is completely over the line and A2 reaches out and grabs it, don't we really already have an inbounds violation? That is, the ball was released toward the court on an inbounds pass, was actually on the court of play, yet it hit OOB first. Regardless of who touches first, it seems like a throw-in violation. And it leads me to swonder if it is heading toward the court but not totally over the line when A2 grabs, whether that wouldn't qualify as being released toward court, and violation as soon as it hit the line.
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