Originally Posted by Nevadaref
I disagree with you 100%. Is there anything else that you are going to give to a team just because they want it?
While fouling late in the game is a legitimate strategy, it must be done properly. A team which cannot execute that tactic skillfully does not deserve to be rewarded by an official, but instead should suffer by having to watch the clock continue to run or be penalized with an intentional foul if appropriate.
Nice strawman, counselor. I'm not going to allow them to give the foul "because they want it," but because I have a legitimate expectation that things are going to hell in a hurry fast if the trailing team starts thinking, "Okay, I'm going to make damn sure he calls the next one." You may be quite content in the knowledge that you have the intentional foul call at your disposal should you need it. My point is that if it gets to the point that an intentional foul call is necessary, then you face a substantial likelihood that the game has problems that an I.F. cannot easily resolve.
Now, if you were to criticize me for not calling an intentional foul on that first "light swipe," I can live with that, but I'm left wondering about the Fed POE I cited above.
The question certainly highlights a tension (at least in my mind) between maintaining the integrity of the competition vis-a-vis enforcing rules as written, and mainting the integrity of the purpose of the competition, which entails doing what we can to ensure the safety of the participants.