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Old Sun Oct 15, 2006, 06:53pm
DTQ_Blue DTQ_Blue is offline
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Virginia
Posts: 164
Obstruction or not?

In a 14 Y/O travel game today, I was BU. A throw to first on an infield grounder pulled F3 off the bag and into the runners path about 5 feet down the line toward home. The ball was thrown too high for F3 to catch and after it sailed over his head to the 8 foot high fence, the batter-runner collided with F3 and BR falls to the ground gasping for air because the wind was knocked out of him.

I called obstruction at the time of the collision, then I immediately call time because I thought that BR may have been seriously hurt (which fortunately was not the case).

My partner who has much more experience than I, and who I respect alot, said that since F3 was going for the ball there should have been no obstruction call.

I told him that I called obstruction so I could award BR first base in case he had gotten tagged while laying on the ground. My reasoning is that if the BR gets leveled in a collision on a play like that, he belongs on first base and the only way I can do that is to call obstruction. That way if a fielder picks up the ball and tags the BR out while lying on the ground, I award him first base.

Should I have called obstruction?

BTW we were playing High School rules, which I admittedly don't know very well.
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