Originally Posted by cougar729
K1 may block anyone unless it is KCI, which would mean he would have to block R1. Since he is blocking R2 it is not an illegal block. Although I think you will rarely see K blocking on a scrimmage kick as they are the ones attempting to make the tackle. There is a good article on grantsrc's website that talks about blocking as "dancing" and how to determine who is "leading" the dance in order to judge forced touching.
But while the ball is in the air, if R2 is close enough to where the ball is coming down (i.e. in the OP, he's close enough to R1 to be blocked into him, and R1 is in or near the position where the ball is coming down), then contacting R2 (unless combating a block) would be KCI, since you don't yet know that R2 is not going to try to catch the ball.
If R2 is actively trying to block K, I agree with you.