Thread: Glasses
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Old Tue Oct 10, 2006, 07:11pm
26 Year Gap 26 Year Gap is offline
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Originally Posted by zebraman
I have a good friend who wears glasses all the time. After getting "dinged" on some evaluations at a state tournament for wearing glasses, he got fitted for contacts. He struggled like crazy with them, in fact he couldn't seem to get them in by himself. He had his wife put them in for him at home before his games. She hated doing it.

One time I had a game with him and he had forgot to have his wife put them in. He knows that I wear contacts and asked me to put them in for him. It was a little weird (I'm glad nobody walked in while I was doing that), but I did put them in for him (once is enough).

His doctor's assistant finally gave him some personal "fitting training" and after a little practice, he can now do it by himself. Maybe you just need a little help.
Especially that coach's brother from Alaska!
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