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Old Mon Oct 09, 2006, 11:21am
grizwald grizwald is offline
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I saw a referee almost do the same thing

I'm a scorekeeper, I was working a middle school age game this weekend. First game of the day, there was no possesion arrow at the table (they went and got one from storage at halftime).

As the refs are streching, I mention that we don't have an arrow, except on the scoreboard and since the only operative scoreboard was partially blocked out by the basket when looking at it from the table. I just mentioned that we probably should come up with an alternate way. Well, Ref A says just keep it in the book. I say fine, the scorekeeper can keep it in the book, but as a double check, I take a quarter out of my pocket. He liked that idea and just told me to use heads for home, tails for vistitors and just flip the coin over each jump ball.

That system works fine in the first half, except a couple of times I initally point to the bench of the team that has the arrow, which of course the refs think I'm pointing to that end of the court, and that is the wrong way for the first half. That caused a small confusion that was quickly handled and no mistakes were ultimetly made.

At half time, Ref B goes to storage and gets a possession arrow. I get back to the table and he asks if I already fliped the coin over during halfime. I looked at him in disbelief for a second, because I though he was joking. Then I said, no I didn't. He then explains that we need to always change that at halftime.

Thankfully, before I got a chance to respond, Ref A (who was sitting right there listening) jumped in and set him straight.

But it shows you that scorekeepers aren't the only ones who get confused by this, some refs do too.
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