As with normal issues regarding umpires that work non-professional games there always seems to be two distinct camps.
I have posted consistently that I believe in identifying critical pitches as to location.
I do not do a "running commentary" but being from the "old school" of professional trained umpires I was trained originally to give subtle physical signs as to pitch location (i.e. look left or right, make a subtle sign that pitch was low).
This has developed (in my games) that if I have an important, boarderline pitch, I give a verbal on the location. I don't do it often but I do it when I deem necessary.
I have found that: "BALL, inside!" heads off dugout chatter and truely helps people understand what is going on.
Of course this is just my opinion and I do believe that this is one of the "individual choice" things that make umpires able to be different but successful in their own style.