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Old Sat Oct 07, 2006, 05:42am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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This case book play was a recent unannouced change. JR pointed it out a couple of seasons ago. If you follow its logic, then both of the plays you inquired about are legal.

7.1.1 SITUATION A: A1, while holding the ball inbounds near the sideline, touches (a) player B1; (b) a photographer; (c) a coach; (d) an official, all of whom are out of bounds. RULING: A1 is not out of bounds in (a), (b), (c) or (d). To be out of bounds, A1 must touch the floor or some object on or outside a boundary line. People are not considered to be objects and play continues. Inadvertently touching someone who is out of bounds, without gaining an advantage, is not considered a violation.
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