An IP is not justified by any rule of which I am aware for the catcher being out of the box prior to the pitch since a pitch is not allowed to begin until all players are in position, including the catcher in the box.
ISF 6(FP).1.B states that the catcher must be in the CB as a preliminary event to the pitcher even being considered in position to begin the pitch. If the catcher is not in the box, there can be no pitch. However, the pitcher is still held to the time limit and if she doesn't deliver the ball within that time frame, the umpire shall award the batter a ball. (7.5.H)
That is a long way from an IP which would also award a base to each runner.
The wording is suspect, but the "rear" outside corners of the batter's box would indicate that the front of the catcher's box is the rear of the batter's box. Not sure about ISF, but ASA allows the catcher to move up, possibly out of the box, if the batter is standing toward the front of the batter's box. The catcher does this at the peril of committing catcher's obstruction should the batter decide to move to the back of the box to hit the pitch
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.