Here is a strange question a young umpire asked yesterday…
“What I am supposed to do if catcher stays very close to the plate, well over the rear line of batter’s box?”
My answer:
“Handle this as a safety issue if you are umpiring a youth game or a real inexperienced catcher: tell her to move back to avoid an accident; otherwise just focus on the pitch and keep both eyes on possible obstruction”.
Another umpire’s answer:
“Ok: handle this as a safety issue is correct most of the times. But do not forget what Rulebook says: catcher is not allowed to stay out of the catcher’s box until the ball is released by the pitcher. If a violation occurs you can call an illegal pitch”.
From this point on the discussion was between me and the other umpire: my point “there is no line (no limit) IN FRONT of the catcher and what Rulebook says is referred to lateral and rear lines of the catcher’s box – even if I was submit to torture I never call an horrible illegal pitch like that!”
The other umpire point: “There is no white line on the ground… but the Rulebook settle a front limit, too. Read it carefully and you will notice it.”
I get my ISF Rulebook (but I can imagine ASA Rulebook is quite the same about this!) and I read:
Rule 1 - Sec. 16. CATCHER'S BOX
The catcher's box is that area within which the catcher must remain until
a. (FP ONLY) The pitch is released. The lines are to be considered within the catcher's box.
Rule 2 - Sec. 4 (…)
d. THE CATCHER'S BOX shall be 3.05m (10 ft) in length from the rear outside corners of the batters' boxes and shall be 2.57m (8 ft 5 in) wide.
I never heard about an illegal pitch called because of this kind of violation, neither I saw an umpire says to a catcher “You MUST move back, you know… because of the Rulebook”.
BTW I would like to know different point of view about all this.
I appreciate any suggestion, help, advice, etc.