Originally Posted by Nu1
M&M...I would say your play is an illegal dribble. The first thrown ball (pass to A2 that didn't touch anyone and was bouncing out of bounds) was actually a dribble.
1. If A1 dribbled first...ended the dribble...threw the ball towards A2...and then ran after the ball and grabbed it to save it from going out of bounds...it would be an illegal dribble as soon as A1 grabbed the ball.
2. If A1 never used the dribbled...threw the ball towards A2...then ran after the ball and saved it by throwing it in bounds...and returned inbounds and touched the ball again before anyone else...it would be an illegal dribble when A1 touched the ball upon returning.
I hope that makes sense. It sounds confusing while I type it. 
Um...er,...never mind. I believe you're right on both counts. But, I knew that; I was just testing to see if anyone was paying attention...
Actually, what I meant to say was A2 was the one to save it from going OOB. I was trying to point out that there really aren't too many opportunities for a player to save a ball while going OOB, and then being the first to come back and get it, without all the other players being close by; thus the backcourt example.
Writing out a play, and actually seeing it live, are two different animals. I gotta start leaving the writing to the professionals.