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Old Sat Jan 19, 2002, 07:03pm
Sven Sven is offline
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Join Date: Dec 1999
Posts: 74
A similar situation occurred a few years ago at the local high school. During the shooting motion of the first of two free throws by B1, the inexperienced PA announcer (a high school student, who didn't know better, but should have), spoke loudly and clearly into the microphone, something like "...and he misses!"

It was a pretty quiet gym at the time, so everyone heard it. Surprised the heck out of all of us, including the shooter, who bricked the shot. Official came over to the table, got an explanation and apology from the PA boy and the the home coach/athletic director (both of whom were very embarrassed).

Official indicated it had better not happen again (it didn't) and awarded a substitute throw. No technical was called.

It wasn't by the book, but it seemed fair. The official could have ignored it. Probably could have issued a technical on the bench (although the PA announcer was at the scorer's table).

I think he did the right thing.

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