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Old Tue Oct 03, 2006, 09:49am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by JTRICE
I had a very interesting conversation at my basketball meeting last night. It turns out that case play 7.1.1 part (a) and (b) are not correct as written. Part (c) IS correct. It reads as follows:

A1 jumps from inbounds to retrieve an errant pass near a boundary line. A1 catches the ball while in the air and tosses it back to the court. A1 lands out of bounds and (a) is the first to touch the ball after returning inbounds: (b) returns inbounds and immediately dribbles the ball ...RULING: Legal in (a) and (b).

Think about this and see if you can figure out why this is NOT right.
I see nothing wrong with case 7.1.1D. When I first read your post, I read it as "A1 ... tosses it to the back court." In that instance, it would be a violation (assuming the ball was in the front court to start with).
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