Originally Posted by TussAgee11
4 games at the field today. Worked as PU for the last 2.
Everything was going smoothly until the championship game. 2nd inning, pitcher can't find the plate. Couple moderatly close pitches, above the belly button, that I call ball.
Coach seems upset, and the same pitch is thrown again.
-"Where was it?"
Coach directed towards pitcher: "I don't know where he's gonna call a strike for you today".
I calmly said time and called the coach over from the dugout for a brief convo. Something along the lines of "Coach, you have the right to talk to your pitcher, but do not question balls and strikes while doing so. Its a slippery slope that you just began to walk. Please refrain from doing so again. Thankyou." all with my mask on, very low voice.
A little wordy for my taste, but not bad.
Also, you might not want to give that "do it again, you're gone" impression, it backs you into a corner as how to handle further outbursts.
Originally Posted by TussAgee11
When I was done with what I had to say I turned around back to the plate, coach says "I just want a shoulder to knee strike zone thats all". I kept walking
Personally, in my universe, he would be gone.
Originally Posted by TussAgee11
Got to the parking lot, (had to stick around for the check from TD), and a Mom who was sort of riding me from the fence (and the opposing players a bit too, nothing too bad) came up to me and said she was really dissappointed with how I umpired. Partner had already left and I was literally 2 steps away from my door. I say "I'm sorry you feel that way" and continue to the car to try to just drive out.
Get paid before the games.
Normally, partners do not leave until we all are ready to go.
Tell her "Thank you" and move on.
Originally Posted by TussAgee11
She steps in front of the door and continues to talk about how unfair I was. I told her that I'd be glad to give her an email where she could complain to, my assignor. I wrote down my own non-school email and left. Finally.
Run her down !!!!!