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Old Fri Sep 29, 2006, 08:51pm
mick mick is offline
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Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
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Originally Posted by PeteBooth
... it would be beneficial if certain responses could be deleted instead of the entire thread. Keep only those responses that stay on Topic.
Too, it would be beneficial if certain responses would be withheld.

If threads are deleted, it is probably, as Bob implied, because they have become too tedious to edit individual posts. If threads are locked, they probably have been adjudged to retain useful information on the screen.

As I write this, there are 13 members and 42 guests using the forum. Who can identify the guests as players, fans, parents, coaches. little brothers and sisters, ...Moms? The public deserves a certain amount of civility and professionalism, and because of members like you, they'll probably come back to learn stuff..

No 'Tain't perfect, but thanks for your thoughts.
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