Originally Posted by Jimgolf
Absolutely. No doubt about it. The official should have the sense to recuse himself if assigned to the game. I find it hard to believe you think this is "silly". Imagine a state championship game where a foul is called with no time left and someone from the official's alma mater is shooting 3 to win the game. Heads would roll.
Also if one of the teams is from his current home town, even if (or especially if) it's his alma mater's arch rival. Imagine the situation above where it's his alma mater's arch rival and there is no call.
This is not a question of integrity of the official, it is a question of integrity of the game. There should never be any hint of favoritism.
We were not talking about a state tourney game. Those are chosen by the commissioner and any association with the schools (went there, wife works there, in your region, in a region you used to be in) you are not on that game. Harder to do when you deal with people in a region. But I agree that the official can use good judgement and ask for a switch.
We had one in our state tourney this year. One of the guys used to work in one of the regions that had a game saturday. He was one of the best (if not THE best) official at the tourney. He sat out the Semis and finals!