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Old Wed Sep 27, 2006, 01:23pm
bgtg19 bgtg19 is offline
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Originally Posted by Kevzebra
The official in question that brought up the "alumni" question happened to be friends with one of the assistant coaches at that school as well. Granted that one should not officiate games at a HS he/she went to, but in college ball, we have a 10 year waiting period (in some places) and then we can go to that school. I do not see the problem in sending an alum to a game. IF the official has the integrity to do so, I see no problem with it. At that crucial time, the assigning secretary had the confidence that no bias would come up.
FWIW, I disagree that it is O.K. to send an alum (or a friend of someone on the coaching staff) to work playoff games involving that school. I fully believe that there are officials capable of working those games without bias or influence, but the whole point is to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest. Depending on how desperate a local area is for quality officials, it may be necessary for longer-term alums (etc.) to work regular season games -- although I think every effort should be made to avoid that as well -- but it will serve officiating and the game of basketball better if we avoid the appearance of conflicts, not just the conflicts that make themselves evident.