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Old Wed Sep 27, 2006, 11:29am
Kevzebra Kevzebra is offline
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Posts: 109
Originally Posted by JRutledge
That is not the case in every state. Our regional championships are still apart of the state playoffs. There is no "local" jurisdiction where I live. The IHSA controls that and if you ask me that how it should be.

Well, we are opposed in that area. Our system rarely has any problems, this just happened to be one of those things that happens.

The IHSA system is as old as the hills if you ask me and if one was to move into your state, getting anything but JV games (no matter what level you are at now) is next to impossible! Local jurisdction, as well as state jurisdiction, all have bad points. Local guys know his/her people very well and that least newer people that have the talent work bigger games as he/she move up the ladder. In IN, you have the worst (IMO) system there is for getting "new blood" into the mix. It takes forever and even if one has the talent to work, some officials have contracts for years with certain schools. Makes for a long frustraiting wait.