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Old Wed Sep 27, 2006, 10:21am
GarthB GarthB is offline
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Originally Posted by CollegeUmp06
I do not see that switching the mask will help any. Only thing the mask does (beyond protection) is allows the umpire to see the ball better. He did not say he could not see it. He said it was a difficult pitch to call.

I agree this is a difficult pitch to call. There are many pitches that are difficult, such as the rising fastball, the fastball with lots of movement (lots of Lefties have this one), the big sweeping slider, etc. But the key is, I know the rule book has the zone spelled out, but the PU creates the zone early and if the pitch goes through that zone then it has to be or needs to be called a strike; regardless of where the catcher catches it. At least this is in an ideal world.

The best thing you can do is to try your best, be as consistent as possible and as fair as possible. The golden rule is to not interfere with the outcome of the game. You will miss a pitch here and there, but as long as the official does not determine the winner and loser then you can sleep at night.
I took your ealier post as that of someone new to the board, now it seems possible you may not be as you appear.........