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Old Fri Jan 18, 2002, 03:03pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Question Not very clear to me Ralph.

A1 I assume in this play is the defense? Usually A1 is the offense or the team with the ball at the start of these kind of plays. So that is my first confusion. Then you are saying that B1(offense in this play) comes in an knocks over A1(defense in this play).

If that is the case, you have a foul if B1 just knocked A1 over. And it really does not matter who is on offense or defense this should be a foul and a rather easy one to call. And since you said the B1 has the ball, it is a PC foul. Especially because A1 was just standing there and got knocked over by B1 that had the ball.

My question to you is, why would A1 in this play not have established Legal Guarding Position?

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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