Originally Posted by JRutledge
Wow, I guess we know where you stand.
Why are local assignment chairman assigning playoff games to a state tournament? Sounds like a major conflict of interest.
Not really. There are two ways that we assign refs for districts and regions here in good Ole KY. One can find another association in which to trade refs with (yyyuuuuuukkkkkkk) or you can stay within your own region. The local assigning secretary has knowledge of who the best are in each association, so it really isn't an issue.
There are also two different rating systems here in KY. We use a committee in ours, made up of four coaches from each region (we service two) two from each gender. They meet and decide who is qualified from the association and then the secretary assigns the games from there.
The other way is the good ole point system, still used by the majority of the regions. Officials are rated 0-20 points by each coach and then the secretary has 20 points for each as well. Both systems have flaws and politics probably will never be totally purged from either system, but the committee system seems to work well. One does not know who the coaches are, so you aren't sure if he/she saw you or not during the season.