Originally Posted by JRutledge
We have no idea why the interpretation was given. I think it is very presumptuous who he talked to or did not talk to. The NF is a phone call away from the IHSA and we have many people that know people in the NF personally. It is not like no one from the IHSA sits currently on the NF Committee or does not attend NF meetings. I think many want people to believe what they want because he came to a conclusion that did not fit their opinion to a tee.
Ok, I'll certainly admit I jumped to a conclusion that he didn't check with anyone regarding the ruling. I was only going by the reasoning Kurt did a quick check of the most recent rule books, and, not finding a specific case, made a decision, just like some of us did on that play. However, since Bob J. found that case ruling, and given that there has been nothing to change that since, I would have to go with that case.
I'm also jumping to the conclusion that if Kurt knew about that case, he would agree.