Originally Posted by jbduke
BITS's commentary is simply a call to do better, and I defy you to claim how traditional testing models don't have loads of room for improvement.
First I'll thank you for the long article on how things work in college, and in particular engineering undergrad & post grad schools. And especially your explanation of what and how you learn in college is applied in the field of engineering. I certainly had no idea about how all that works, but is sure does seem complicated to me. I'm only exposed to this hi tech gee-whizz stuff when watching "How It Works" on Discovery Channel.
Having vented my sarcasm...your last sentence is kinda my point.
Schools generally are an extraordinarilly artificial place that have very little to do with real life, and higher ed is probably the most artificial. But you don't need to have a college degree to be qualified for something better than garbageman. Ask Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Michael Dell, Larry Ellison, David Geffen, Steve Jobs, Peter Jennings, Harry Truman, Stephen Spielburg, John Glenn, Ted Turner... In 2005 something like 12% of all CEOs in the US did not have a college degree. Something like 1/4 of the Fortune 500 wealthiest don't have college degrees.
I suppose you agree with BITS (and Camron) that these people are life's losers who can't cut anything more mentally challenging than serving up or cleaning off fries.
Sad to be you.