Originally Posted by ozzy6900
I don't have to see one of your games, because you have told me enough.You are a cheater!
Further more, you are going off the subject trying to defend yourself. We are talking about changing the zone during the friggen game! Of course the strike zone is different from NCAA to JV to LL but you never, ever change your zone knowingly during a game! You might as just well say, "okay, you guys suck so they win".
And one more thing, it is quite obvious that you may be in my association and if you are, please identify yourself at our first meeting of the new season. This way I can make sure that Arnie or Tony never assign us together!
I'm done with this!
I'm not on your board... so don't worry about that.
I open the zone up for both teams, so I don't understand how this is cheating. And yes, I sometimes change the zone during the game, I would bet that most good amature umpires do.
And believe me, if I had the power to say "You guys suck and they win," and end a lopsided game I would do so in a heartbeat! I'll bet the participants wouldn't be all that upset either!
You're getting pretty worked up over a game management style that you don't agree with... keep calm, the sun will still rise tomorrow!