Originally Posted by ozzy6900
There is nothing that you can say to convince me, gentlemen. You two (and anyone else that does this) should hang up your uniforms and never darken the baseball diamond again.
An umpire is supposed to be unbiased. At least that's the way it's supposed to be. So by the same token, if it's a tie game do you guys shrink the strike zone to help the batters? Come on, you guys are BS! Please don't embarrass yourselves by responding any further. Take your sorry a$$es and burn your uniforms. You make the rest of us sick!

Get off your sanctimonious high horse and wipe the hors--t off while you're at it. The question asked is not some kind of moral issue, and an umpire who makes an effort to accommodate a game that NEEDS to be Kevorked is not the derelict you are painting him to be. Dispense with the drama queen BS and come back to earth.