Fed Question
These questions comes from a Fed coach.
1. Ok we have put no huddle into our offense this past off-season and have decided to use it for our next upcoming game which will be a big one for us (a meeting between two 2-0 teams). My question is when I run no-huddle and decide I want to have a TE set can I just send my TE in and pull my slot out? Is there some type of rule with this or am I good since there won't be 12 in the huddle or 12 on the field at any time?
2. I have a question about Kansas High school football
rules. Can anyone tell me if the 4th down fumble rule
that the Colleges and pros have is the same in high
school?. (i.e. - only the player that fumbles can
recover beyond the line of scrimage - if recovered by
another team member the ball is returned to the point
of the fumble).