Thread: balk
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Old Tue Sep 19, 2006, 08:32am
ctblu40 ctblu40 is offline
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Originally Posted by bob jenkins
The rule he cited includes some preamble to the effect "if F1 throws wild..."

In the OP, F1 did not throw wild.
Just so everyone knows, I think I'm leaning towards Bob's thinking here.
The exact quote from the 2006 NCAA book is as follows.

9-3-PENALTY(2) If a balk is immediately followed by a wild throw by the pitcher to a base that permits runner(s) to advance to or beyond the base to which that runner is entitled, the balk shall be acknowledged. The umpire will call the balk in the usual manner, but shall not call "Time" until all play has ceased (runners have stopped trying to advance and/or a fielder is in posession of the ball in the infield).

Another consideration I have made since my original post is that NCAA 9-3-PENALTY(1) says:
"If the balk is immediately followed by a pitch that permits the batter and each runner to advance a minimum of one base, the balk is ignored and the ball remains live."

Clearly, the NCAA rules are making a distinction between a throw to a base and a pitch. I stand corrected with regards to the proper ruling under NCAA rules... thanks BOB.
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