Originally Posted by BillyMac
Today I celebrated the 13th anniversary of my 40th birthday. Jack Benny was never older than 39. I will never be older than 40.
This morning I checked my email and was surprised to get a birthday greeting from The Official Forum. I realize that this information came from my personal profile. My daughter, hearing about the email said that it was just a computer that sent me the birthday greeting email and that it wasn't a big deal.
I almost bought into this explanation, until I started thinking. At some point, some living, breathing, human, person decided to program the Official Forum website to send birthday greetings. To that person, thanks, it was very nice of you, and contrary to my daughter's statement, it was a big deal.
It has been said, get in and get out without drawing attention to the referees (just ask the pac 10 crew that worked the Oregon-Oklahoma game). It has also been said that a good game took place when no one notices the officials. Here we are talking about it days after the fact. Congrats on getting noticed, I guess.

I hate it when officials try to be "the show."
By the way, my birthday is.....