Mon Sep 18, 2006, 09:53am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 373
Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
In the new rulebook, as usual, in the center you will find a 4-page colored ad...which I always take out. This year's ad is for Rawlings basketballs, specifically their "TEN"- their new 10-panelled ball. The blurb talks about how the NFHS, among other groups, have approved the "TEN".
That's fine, except.....
Three of the four pages show Tracy McGrady dribbling and shooting a "TEN". The only problem is that the "TEN" that he is using is illegal under NFHS rules. It's multi-colored, with alternating black and brown panels.
Stoopid me, but I can just see a coach holding that ad up and saying "waddaya mean, my game ball is illegal? It's in the rulebook."
My response... "Yeah coach, Tracy McGrady is in the rulebook as well and you can't use him either!"