Originally Posted by BktBallRef
JR, if you have 9 defenders on the floor, then you have more issues than just not being able to understand this play.
Look up the term interrupted dribble in the rule book. Maybe that'll help you.
How could an "interrupted dribble" be relevant to the question?

The definition of an interrupted dribble says that the ball is loose after deflecting off the
not another
player. There's no mention anywhere in the definition of an interrupted dribble about the ball going off another player. And, yes, I meant "player" and not "defender", both here and in the original question; "player" meaning any member of both teams on the court.
So again.....could you please answer my question?
If the dribbler, underneath his own basket, dribbled the ball off the foot of a defender or teammate beside him, and the ball then touched or was touched- but not controlled- by the 8 other
players on the court, and the ball then ended up under the opponent's basket before the dribbler could catch up to it, do you also consider that as one continuous dribble?