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Old Sat Sep 16, 2006, 05:03pm
HawkeyeCubP HawkeyeCubP is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2006
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I think I would have encroachment here.

The player in question was the 11th player, and was never replaced, and never made it to the sideline, so I still have him as a player, not a substitute.

This meets the definition of encroachment in Rule 2.

He's not an "entering substitute," so he doesn't meet 4-7-5.

He's not "unsuccessfully attempting to leave the field," as he's trying to get back to his side of the neutral zone, so he doesn't meet 4-7-4.

He never "withdrew and re-entered as a substitute," because he never left the field and/or was never replaced, so he doesn't meet 4-7-3.

I picture this as the RFP is blown, he starts hustling off, then starts hustling back. If that's the case, he already was on his team's side of the neutral zone after the RFP was blown, and you're allowing him to try to get back. If he's not back on his team's side, I think it's encroachment at the snap.
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