Originally Posted by Ref_ Fred
I think you are correct that you and I will probably disagree in the future. I may only have six years, but very proud of it. I wonder what you have???? You say that you are knowledgeable. Anyone can recite rules from a book, can you put them in action? I guess I leave with quote, "We agree to disagree". that's what makes this country a great pace to live
No, Fred. I didn't say I was knowledgeable. I didn't say anything in this thread about my experience, resume, success, etc. I'll leave that up to you! I simply gave my
Lemme make a suggestion to you. Put me on your "Ignore" list. That way you won't have to read any of my posts, or any of my responses to you either. What do you care? You're not here to learn anyway. No need. You already know everything.