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Old Fri Sep 15, 2006, 09:19pm
eyezen eyezen is offline
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Location: Lincoln Co, Missouri
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Speaking of Ratings

Originally Posted by RonRef
You struck a very touchy cord with me in your last sentence. Why do they let coaches rate officials? Nobody knows this answer not even Jurassic Referee! Most coaches don't know the rules, mechanics or coverage areas. IMO you have to officiate the game and the rating process can never enter into your mind during the game.
That's one area that my state (MO) finally wised up to:

In the 05-06 (and all previous that I've been working) officials handbook we were rated on the following areas:

1) Rules
2) Mechanics
3) Appearance
4) Effort
5) Control
6) Consistency
7) Confidnece
8) Poise
9) Attitude

and according to the 06-07 handbook the areas are:

1) Verbal Communications Skills
2) Appearance
3) Effort
4) Control
5) Consistency
6) Professionalism

so it seems our state at least has readjusted the rated areas to those that concern themselves to the coach/official relationship, which is obviously a good thing.
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