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Old Thu Sep 14, 2006, 11:15pm
BigFarns BigFarns is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 68
here's one I screwed up last week

K punting from their own 20. They kick the ball real high and the wind caught it. It lands about 5 yards past the LOS and bounces back behind it. No one is going to get it really it's almost stopped. K comes over and touches it to down it. I blow it dead.
Just then R runs over and grabs it and would be a TD no problem. 1st mistake K didn't control it so you don't blow it dead on first touching. 2nd mistake...the ball isn't past the LOS so it ain't first touching. K could have picked it up and ran same as if it was blocked. Right ?!? At least that's how I read it.
Any thoughts? Newbie mistake on my part and we sold it that the ball was in fact stopped and so touching it did down it...but I know it wasn't stopped. Luckily noone brought up the fact that it was behind the LOS.
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