The first five years or so of reffing, I used the little Hallmark "Monthly Planners" with cute little kittens or puppies on the cover. They come in the mail with the solicitations for donations to various charities ( I never donated to them, so the planners didn't cost me anything!). The nice thing about them is that they don't take batteries, and require very little juking around to get out and look at. They didn't make my shirt pocket look nerdy, and as long as I used ball point ink, nothing ever got lost into the ozone.
Now my husband has "given" me a Palm Handspring. It's taken a LOT of getting used to. I'm still not sure I really like it. It's annoying that it takes AAA batteries, and it isn't rechargable, and it doesn't have any back up power. So if it physically takes too long to get those little boogers out and the new ones in, I LOSE EVERYTHING. So I had better have backed the whold thing up on my desktop tie-in software. UGH!!
I really think I may go back to the cute little kittens, wallet size Hallmark thing this year.