Thread: Stop the clock?
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Old Thu Sep 14, 2006, 10:07am
GPC2 GPC2 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 157
Stop the clock?

In my game last Saturday night we had the following play:

Late in the second quarter (maybe 20 seconds left), A on B's 25 yard line. A has no time outs remaining. QB A8 is sacked on B's 31 yard line and the ball appears to come loose. The R eventually ruled that the QB was downed. A's coach immediately begins yelling "KICKING TEAM!!"

By this time there are under 10 seconds left in the half, R hurriedly gets the ball spotted and blows the ready. Due to the semi-confusion about the possible fumble, I (HL) was not in position on the line, and neither the BJ nor the LJ were in position under the goal posts. Somehow, A gets their kicking team on the field, in position, set and snapped in about five seconds to kick the field goal attempt. The ball sailed wide right, so we luckily averted an ugly situation.

In my opinion, the R should have waited until all officials were in position prior to blowing the ready, and consequently A would probably never have gotten the kick off as time would have expired for the half.

In our weekly meetings there was a huge discussion, and many of the veterans had different takes on it. While all agreed that the covering officials must be in place, a few of them said that the game clock should be stopped to allow the officials to get in proper position - I COMPLETELY disagree with that, and I think its just too bad if A doesn't have time.

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