1. Hustle
2. Let the Center Referee call almost ALL of the fouls! If you believe that he has a good look at it, let him make the call. Help on the one's which he can't see or that are right in front of you in your corner.
3. Focus on the 2nd to last defender and stay with that person as you move up and down the touchline. This will keep you correctly positioned to make the offside call. This is your primary job!
4. Be aware of where the ball is, but don't ball watch.

75% of your focus should be on the back line of defenders and the front couple of attackers(keeping watch for offside and misconduct out of the field of vision of the Referee), and 25% should be on the tracking where the ball is. You can accomplish this by looking across the field most of the time and glancing down it to your left every couple of seconds.
5. Before you signal for a goal kick/corner kick or the direction on a throw-in make eye contact with the Center. This way the two of you won't point in opposite directions.
6. Have PATIENCE!!!!!

WAIT before you call ANYTHING. Just a second or so, to see if you need to call it or perhaps the kids will surprise you and play through that contact or won't actually get involved in the play (for the offside decision) and you don't need to stop the game.
7. Smile and have fun in the sun.