Thread: technicals
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Old Wed Jan 16, 2002, 01:49pm
Brian Watson Brian Watson is offline
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The point I was trying to make is: The "indirect" and "direct" T's assesed to the coach vary depending on what has happened. A lot of new guys, and some vets forget there is a distinction.

If players comes off the bench they get 1 t and are ejected, but the coach gets a single indirect no matter the number of players leaving the bench. If they then get invovled it is a direct, not an indirect, to the coach for each instance of participation.

So, if 4 guys come off, it is one indirect, to the coach; if two participate in the fight, two directs are assesed to the coach, he is now gone along with his players.

I was never trying to dispute the fact the players get a single t and run, just there can be broader implications to the coach for not controlling his/her bench.

[Edited by Brian Watson on Jan 16th, 2002 at 12:56 PM]
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