Thread: technicals
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Old Wed Jan 16, 2002, 01:43pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by Brian Watson
Sorry, I was referring to what you assess the coach, jsut didn't make it clear.

But, I still think it is a direct is they particpate.
Maybe ... I'm not clear on what you are saying.

There are three "classes" of individuals to consider: Players (on the floor), bench personnel, and coaches.

Players are easy -- it's a direct T and a DQ. The penalties offset (IOW, if one A and one B fight, no shots; if three A and one B fight, B shoots 4).

Coaches are easy -- it's a direct T and a DQ whether they participate or not (assuming you didn't beckon them). Again, the penalties offset.

Bench personnel is a little more difficult -- it depends on whether they participate. If the bench personnel do not particiapte, they are still DQ'd and a foul is added to tthe team total for both. But, the coach will only get one indirect, and a maximum of one penalty will be assessed. IOW, if one A and one B leave the bench, each coach gets an indirect and no throws are shot. If three A and one B leave the bench, each coach gets one indirect, Team A is charged with three fouls, team B is charged with one foul, and team B shoot two throws.

If the bench personnel participate, then the coach gets one indirect for each person and the fouls offset. THrows are shot for each penalty that is not offset. If three A and one B leave and participate, Coach A gets three indirects (and is ejected), Coach B gets one indirect (and can stay, assuming nothing else happened), Team A is charged with three fouls, team B is charged with on team foul, and B shoots four throws.

If you have multiple categories, add them up individually, then offset. Shoot throws only if the penalties do not offset.
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