This has been a weakness for me, too. Here are some sentences that I have memorized that have helped some:
Coach, it's rule 4.43 (or whatever number-- the ones to memorize are travelling, 3-seconds, and PC. The numbers can change every year, so always double check when you get your new books).
She had (or didn't have) legal guarding position.
He was pushing, coach. C: But he was boxing out! Me: Boxing out is legal as long as it's not a push.
High School Rules, Coach (I use this out-loud, when I am thinking, "This isn't the NBA!")
When they quit fouling, I'll quit calling it!
The smart-aleck remarks that you may read on this board should be used sparingly if at all, until you have enough experience to know that you aren't adding gasoline to a fire. It can help your attitude to think them, and smile slightly to yourself. A little smug superiority feels good now and then.