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Old Wed Sep 06, 2006, 04:34pm
ref2coach ref2coach is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: TN
Posts: 361
Both of the above answers are detailed and well thought out.
You asked "how much running"
In the DSC as the CR my pedometer tells me I average from a low of 3.5 miles to a high of 6.25 miles.
In an NFHS Dual Referee 1 average from a low of 1.6 to a high of 3.25 miles.
In a Middle School match .75 to 2.0.

It depends a lot on the skill of the team. Do they keep the ball on the field and in play? Do they kick the ball as far as they can and then chase the ball, which requires that I also "chase the pack"? Two very athletic teams playing "long ball" results in the most distance covered. Two very skilled teams playing short pass and control results in "medium" distance covered. Two poorly skilled teams that cannot keep the ball in play results in the shortest distance requirement.
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