Thread: Public Apology
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Old Mon Sep 04, 2006, 08:49am
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Get away from me, Steve.
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Originally Posted by PWL
Bob Jenkins and others,

I would like to make an apology for my behavior the last few days. It is because of members like Steve Meyer and Tim Haag. They always bring out the worst in me. They have from the very first time I joined this forum. I am thoroughly aggravated at the backstabbing job they did to me on the ABUA forum. Much like they tried to pull here if you remember. I never denied any wrongdoing and accepted my suspension. They in turn, blamed theirs on me. Revenge was their only motive for what they did. Unfortunately, this is the only place I can air my feelings. So again, I apologize and will try to not vent at their misguided way of life.
Next time try a real apology. A real apology is where you don't blame others for what you're apologizing for.