Originally posted by His High Holiness
You wrote:
"As is often the case Partners You Dislike has deteriorated into snipping and name-calling. "
Can't you even spell correctly. You meant sniping, not snipping. Snipping is what GarthB does to my posts so that he can quote them out of context. Sniping is what I am doing in this post.
GarthB and I could work well together in dozens of games. The snufflers have called me the anti-christ of internet umpires. I think that the Anti-Christ of Umpiring and the King of the Snufflers would make a great umpire crew.
I can see it now. Garth is BU. I am PU. On the hit to right field, from position A, Garth yells:
"His Holiness, I am going out." I peel out from behind the the plate and yell back: "King Snuffler, I have the batter runner." At this point the batter runner trips and falls into a heap of uncontrolled laughter.
So, Jim, your thread did not even get off the ground without sniping. And I am sure that someone will snip this thread in a rebuttal. Sniping and snipping. What would internet umpiring be without it?
Would you belive I was an English Major? -- It was a long time ago. I have been knwn to do some snipping myself. I save these pearls of wisdom on the C drive at home. It sure is great when internet umpires help each other! Jim/NYC